Learn about plant allies and how to make herbal medicines to nourish your sleep and dream cycles in this time of collective unrest. We will be offering a 2-part live-video series, 10/3 and 10/4, 11-12pm PST.
Suggested donation $0-50. This will be a Black, Indigenous, and People of Color only space.
October 3, 11-12pm PST
Presenter: Danielle Benjamin
Danielle is an Afro-indigenous Aquarian mother and co-creator of healing spaces for Black and Indigenous people to re-member our medicine, get embodied and evolve. Ever-evolving, Danielle's practice draws on evolutionary astrology, plant medicine and ancestral lineage healing. In this workshop, we dive into this radical birthright, learning about teas, flower essences and practices for bringing more consciousness to our dreams and dream life.
October 4, 11-12pm PST
Presenter: Cera Merrick
Cera Merrick (they/them) is an herbalist, pregnancy loss and abortion doula, and Fertility Awareness teacher in training based in Oakland, CA, Ohlone land. They are of mixed English and Mexican lineage and is excited to share their plant medicine knowledge with you.They humbly walk with the plants on the path toward liberation and reproductive autonomy.
Join Cera in an introductory class about how plant allies can support you with a more restful night of sleep. Making space for rest is more important than ever and rest will be our ally on the long road ahead. When we nourish ourselves, we nourish the future we are dreaming into.This class will include instructions on where to source plants, how to make tea, and how to make folk tinctures.